A centre staircase unit at Jln Ma'mor. In this neighbourhood, there are basically 2 different types of configurations / layouts - centre staircase vs side staircase. As you can see from the above, the centre staircase plonks in right in the middle of the house and clearly divides the space between the living and the kitchen behind.
This unit also comes with a centre staircase, sticks to the wall beside it and have an opening to (probably) the washroom at its landing. While if you observe properly, the flight of stairs in the previous photo does not stick to any wall. We're wondering if it is possible to shift the staircase from centre to its side... *beams*
This is a corner unit at Blk 42. The corner units in Jalan Bahagia and Jalan Ma'mor are somewhat unique in its own way. Some people extend the space out onto its extra land at its side, some use it to grow fruit trees. Nevertheless, the corner units do have their own charm.. and of course they come with a price too! The photo above don't show its side but corner units usually have more than an entrance / exit - because they can afford the space.
This modern unit resides in Blk 46. As it is still under renovation, we requested the painter or contractor if we can go in and take a look - for some ideas.
If you peer into it, you will see that this unit comes with a side staircase (behind the window on the right). If we compare, a side staircase is definitely more spacious and less restrictions in terms of configuring your layout.
The bathroom downstairs was huge and very nicely done up with spacious standing shower area and storage space. I wanted something similar!
We went upstairs to peep. They did very cool bay windows! As you know, the 2 rooms in the HDB terrace are really quite tiny, so extending the windows out a little do make a lot of difference to how big it looks. Right angle glass panels at both its sides. An idea.
They also extended the roof all the way up! Creating a sort of trapezium space. We're totally in love with this idea.
A new bathroom is built on Level 2. A side note, the original HDB terrace do not come with any bathroom on the 2nd Level. Only 1 is available downstairs. They extended the new bathroom room about a metre into Bedroom 2 and leaves a little space for a cupboard. Another idea!
The owners didn't do any bay windows for Bedroom 2. Understandably so because I think bay windows are quite costly.
A peek out into the back of Blk 46. Back-to-back neighbours with all sorts of roofing. Some go back as far back as retro zinc roof.
As for my own house, I did take some pictures while the previous owner was moving out. The living room was empty and there were boxes and stuff everywhere. I thought I should use them for further blog entries to compare the before and after. Right now, there are a lot of areas to rectify / think through and it may be too early to say anything concrete.
So here goes, the beginning of the Building of X.