There was a value-for-money promotion going on where the set dinner of about 6 dishes (including dessert) cost $19.80++ and it looked like the Tom Yum soup could well make up for the lack of Avocado milkshake in this meal. Hence we decided to give it a try.
The Tom Yum soup itself was fine. We topped it up with seafood which cost an extra $2.00 and it looked nothing like it was filled with seafood. Obviously, it was completely different from the dish they featured on their website and in their promotion images. See the above image (2nd picture from the left) and compare it to the below. What a world of difference!
Ah well, I should have known and I wasn't surprised at all.
The rest of the dishes tasted like coffeeshop zi char, especially for the fried kang kong and omelette. Not too bad for us and people who are easily satisfied when it comes to food.
Anyway, Lerk Thai is located on the 2nd level of Square 2. Good thing about this thai restaurant is that it is strategically located beside the glass railing and you can have a bird's eye view of the mall on the first level. Dining chairs were also comfortable - they are those fabric ones with full arm rest!
Bird's eye view of Level 1. Recommended for those who like to people-watch.
Eventually the meal came up to about $35 for 2 pax - it was inclusive of 2 lemongrass drinks which inflated the price from $20+ (of the set dinner) to $30+. Conclusion is - I will not come here again.
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