On Tuesday, we waited at the new place for the Singapore Power guy to come turn on our lights and water (well, renovation for sure cannot start without these)
Left: The DB box - Let there be light! Then he took a closer look at the water meter (on the right). He used a "special" alan key to turn it on. The water travels...
Travels through the pipe along the backyard wall...
...and realized that water was splashing out from this pipe on the other side!
There was no valve to control this pipe. Damn!
He had no choice but to switch it off till the plumber makes a temporary valve to stop the flow. Oh well, he has to make another trip down.
i heard that houses like these may not have svc points, u got check not. telephone points in bedrooms & such also need to get.
think u need to make sure your intended fridge, oven, stove all fit nicely into ur kitchen, must select first then tell the ID to do right?
nice to see ur updates!
Already has SCV points. We're rewiring the whole hse so will have to discuss with electrician where to put what :)
yeah kitchen equipment measurements will come later. Going to select tiles first!~
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